Free Audio

Freedom From Not Good Enough! 

Use the 8 powerful, repeated thoughts in this audio to free yourself from the "Not Good Enough" feelings that keep you stuck.

Get Free From "Not Good Enough" Today!

You'll also receive upcoming free events & giveaways from the Guardian Gateway, including our Guardian Word of the Week.


The new thoughts in this recording  cut through the Not Good Enough haze and make it easier to put your inspirations into action.


Put it on in the background while you’re getting ready in the morning, or anytime you feel that Not Good Enough feeling keeping you from moving forward toward your dreams.


I'm sending you love and thanking you for the beauty and love you brought with you into the world!















Free Printable

Unlock What Lights You Up! 

The answers you need are inside of you, and you can use these 4 colorful pages to reset your mindset and access not only the things that light you up, but also the ways you can express them more and more.

Unlock What Lights You Up Today!

You'll also receive upcoming free events & giveawaysfrom the Guardian Gateway, including ourGuardian Word of the Week.

The energy of your inner gifts have their own magic, and just engaging in the thoughts and activities that light you up brings that magic into the world, where it can illuminate and uplift the lives of everyone!